Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Sunday, April 13, 2008


I missed class friday so could some please lend me their notes so i can copy them.

1 comment:

Hallie said...

Apache children were taken for adoption by white Americans in programs similar to those involving the Stolen Generation of Australia. They were also forcibly removed to boarding schools where they were "taught to be white" (yet were always considered inferior) and were often horribly abused.

Mormon Beliefs
Joseph Smith- founder of Mormon religion
-Non-mormons get very worried about the appeal and quick spread of Mormon beliefs.
-He left New York in 1830.
-New Headquarters of the church set up in Ohio in 1831.
-Joseph Smith begins preaching the doctrine of plural marriage. (All women who can bear children should have a husband so that they can grow their religion. Also, women have power to convince men what to do.)
-Wherever they moved, Mormons were industrious. They opened stores, worked hard, amassed money, and political power. (This was also a threat to existing political structures and religions.)
-Mormons move to Utah because it's less populated and they think they will be left alone because they are living by a salt water lake.
-Whenever Utah becomes a state, polygamy becomes illegal.
-The symbol of the Mormons is a beehive.
-By 1847 there are 10,000 Mormons.

Hope that helped!