Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Monday, April 14, 2008

Latter-Day Saints visiting class

We will have guest speakers in class for 6th period on Tuesday and 3rd period on Wednesday. Please come prepared to ask questions. I will be grading your participation and willingness to ask good questions when our guests are here. You should know that these missionaries spend their years devoted to God, not the world, and are not allowed to read the paper or watch the news during this time. Therefore, they don't have extra information about what is happening on the YKZ Ranch in Texas. You can ask them about it, but they won't be experts by any means.

Do some background reading before class to prepare:
Family home evening is linked off the "Home and Family" part of the lds homepage (links at bottom of this page are also interesting)

1 comment:

Jessika Whitbeck said...

im excited about the latter day saints coming, i think they might clarify some of the stereotypes we have about them. they are probably use to people asking questions like why do they ride bikes? or why they always wear white shirts with black pants