Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Monday, April 14, 2008

Why do you think that Udall has not mentioned Edgar's father thus far? Do you think it is to emphasize the father-like figures in his life? or for some other reason? Also what does everyone think about Cecil? Is he going to be in Edgar's life again?


Ben Schwertz said...

I think Udall has not mentioned Edgar's father from Edgar's perspective because he has had so many other father figures in his life that he doesn't need to remember a father who he ever knew.

Thomas Meric said...

I agree, but i have to wonder why Edgar has not tried to find his father. Better yet why Barry has not tried to find his father. Barry pretends to love Edgar and does all of these nice things for him you would think that he might try to find his real birth father. I think that for the majority of the book Edgar does not want to know his father, but i also wonder why he does not even think about his father when he tries to kill himself. He jumps because he feels alone, why does the thought. "hey where is my dad" ever pop into his head. Maybe Udall is trying to tell the reader someting

ethan mcraney said...

i think it is to show that Edgar is capable of making it on his own without a father like figure in his life to guide him.

BHidalgo07 said...

I think Udall purposely does not mention Edgar's father very much to emphasize the fact the he is not present in Edgar's life at all. Why would he waste time talking about Edgar's father if he is never around? I think it goes to show how much Edgar needed a male role model in his life. I don't think Cecil will come back to Edgar's life, I think he may have just been a good memory that Edgar will take with him forever.

Laurie said...

I agree with Brittany. I think Udall doesn't mention Edgar's father to emphasize the fact that he's not in Edgar's life. I think Udall does this to also bring Edgar's father figures to light.

Kmorel said...

i agree in that is allows for other father figures to arise in his life but also that it may explain some of his actions and choices he makes

Jessica Deckard said...

Those are really good questions. I think it is interesting that Edgar, who is so clearly looking for a father figure, isn't looking for HIS father. He seems only to connect with people whose lives come into contact with his own, not with those who are related peripherially but never enter it. What does this say about the need for parent figures vs. actual biological parents?

Anonymous said...

i think Edgars farther is gone for good. i think Udall leaves him out to emphasize how much Art and Barry and other men influence Edgar

sophie said...

while i do not know if cecil will physically appear again, I think that cecil will be a character like art and gloria, a character that is constantly referred by edgar and brings about different ideas and themes. about Edgar's father.... i think that he must be left out of the story because then Edgar would not be in the circumstances that he is in. i also do agree with the idea that the absence of Edgar's father puts more spot light on the characters who have father like relations with Edgar.

bkorrapati25 said...

i think that Edgar barely talks about his dad b/c he never knew his dad...i think tht Cecil and Art will have greater roles in this book than Arnold

brian said...

i agree with ben schwertz. i think udall hasnt mentioned edgars father because theres so many people that have acted like his father that they are pretty much taking his place

michelleb said...

I think Udall has not mentioned Edgar's father because Edgar doesn't really know his father so he doesn't have anything to say about him. Just like when Mrs. Rondale mentioned his mother Edgar knew he should have been feeling an emptiness without her but he didn't specifically miss his mother because he didnt know what to miss of her. I think he has a lot of fatherly figures already in his life and bringing his real father in would make it confusing and probably make Barry go crazy.

Anonymous said...

I think that Udall doesn't mention Edgar's father because throughout the book Edgar is on a mission to find a father figure. Each man Edgar encounters acts as a father figure to him so there really isn't a need for Udall to keep mentioning Arnold. Edgar never really knew him as a father so he isn't worth talking about. There are more important men in the Edgar's life than Arnold.