Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Reactions to the Mormons

What did everyone think about the mormons who spoke to our class?


Unknown said...

i think that they were very devout to their faith, i mean it is almost impossible for us to imagine a day w/o our cell phone but those guys do it for 2 years, Elder Ransom seemed a lot more down to earth than the other elder, i also found it very interesting to learn how lenient their religion really is, except for those 2 years, i have a much better view of them now, I dont see them as mindless vagabonds, forcing their faith upon us, I now have a much better opinion on mormons

Jessika Whitbeck said...

i agree with jordan. they feelign very strongly about their religion and accept the book of mourmon. i think elder gordon is more open to other ideas because he said that if he were not a mourmon he owuld probably be lying in a gutter. elder ransom seems to be more close minded about other religions. i wonder if all that sacrifice is really waht god has intended for them.

Shayan said...

I thought they would be a little better at speaking in a forum session. They seemed like very quiet peopl, a little robotish. I dunno that might just be my opinion though.

doug h said...

Im very impressed with those guys. They lead very strict and regimented lives. I envy that...then again its me so the part about forcing toxins into ones body and staying healthy would NEVER work.

BHidalgo07 said...

I agree with Shay....they were a tad like robots. But I think its because they get all the same questions pretty much all day long so they already know what they want to say. I thought they were really nice and respect their choice to practice Mormonism. I was suprised to find out that they can kiss! haha

bkorrapati25 said...

they seemed like good honest men to me...they were still robots though

sophie said...

they seem like pretty normal people. at first i thought how strange and just wrong mormonism is because it was created by someone who probably made it up. listening to them, i realized that a lot of the things that i would make large objections to and would support the idea that the religion was fake...i realized that there reasoning for many of their stranger practices had a good reason. i also never thought about how evolution of society could change religion and rules, such as the whole poligamy thing. while i know that some men used it just to create many ancestors and do "freaky" things, i see how long ago when men died often in battle, widows needed someone else to take care of them. also, listening to how hard they have worked in their lives made me feel some what guilty. while i dont necessarily think i should go on some 2 yr mission, i do think that i should give back to society in some way or at least work hard for something that might not be benefitting me directly.

Taylor Harkness said...

I thought they were very interesting to speak to. They seemed very stern and confindent in what they were doing. I think it is hard for us to imgaine a 2 year missionary in which we toally subjected ourselves to solidtude from the outside world. Its also hard for me to imgaine that level of somene elses influence in your life. I thought their mission was a litle on the extream side.

Jessica Deckard said...

I am always impressed by the patience exhibited by the missionaries who come. They answer questions so clearly, yet carefully too. It's important to remember that there is a difference between personal beliefs and those ideologies that the church promotes. The men who were here spoke for the church, not themselves.

Trevinator said...

They were very nice and you could tell they stayed loyal to their teachings the whole time. They were never rude. They did seem nervous when they were talking about equality with women in our class...

Clare said...

They seem like very peaceful people. I don't know how they do it to be honest. When I asked how strict they think their religionis, I was surprised when they answered "not strict at all." Also, I would like to talk to someone who wasn't raised in a mormon lifestyle and who converted.

bweaver said...

I thought it was good for them to come and show their point of view of mormonism, it changed my view of mormonism for sure and while i dont follow I can still respect them as a religion

Macie said...

they were very calm and you could tell that they were very dedicated to their religion. I was suprised that they only had four dollars a day for food. I agree with Jordan because I didn't really know that much about them and listening to them changed my opinion about them.

michelleb said...

I agree with Shay, they were very quiet and much like robots. I think if they spend all day talking to people then they should be a little better at it. My opinion of mormons has changed since they came. I learned they are a lot more lenient then i thought. I don't think i know anyone who would sacrifice using their cell phones and watching t.v. for two years.

Anonymous said...

I think you have to be pretty commited to your religion to only be able to use the phone twice a year and live off of four dollars a day. They seemed very devout and a lot calmer than most people.