Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Does anyone think that Edgar killing Barry is uncharacteristic of Edgar. I mean Barry was not that bad and it jsut seems unrealistic.


bkorrapati25 said...

I think Edgar killed Barry to make sure that Barry stays away from Lana.

bkorrapati25 said...

before this he almost pulls his knife on barry when it is in his backpack

Jessika Whitbeck said...

I think Edgar felt some kind of guilt for the destruction on the Madsen Family. He feels that if he would not have been in the picture, Lana would not have met Barry and maybe her marriage with Clay would not be in shambles. Edgar felt a responsibility to elimiate Barry in the most sane way possible

Kevin Quizzle said...

Bobby, cpt. obvious. I don't think it is uncharacteristic because Edgar has inner demons that he fights..he has two sides the side of forgiveness and kindness and that is fed up with being abandoned and picked on. If you recall he beat up the kid in the shower, pulled a knife on Alan, hit Brain, etc. He has a little fight and violence in him so it was not uncharacteristic, it was just so shocking

brian said...

i think that its very possible for Edgar to commit murder because he has had such a hard life and has never had much real guidance and probably because of his lack of parenting and guidance he wouldnt even know that murder is really as bad as it really is

Laurie said...

I think it's uncharacteristic of Edgar, but Barry WAS that bad. He brings drugs to Jeffrey, a drugee. He provides alcohol to Art, an alcoholic. He starts a relationship with Lana to try to break up the Madsens, and to get closer to Edgar. Edgar was finally fed up with Barry, so he kills him.

Shayan said...

Edgar, I think, essentially saved Barry by killing him. We slowly observe Barry's life falling apart. Edgar kills him because was living life in vain. YA heard.

seelige said...

i think edgar killed barry so he would stop causing so much trouble in edgar's life. he just wanted to be free of him and not worry about barry stalking him all the time.

BHidalgo07 said...

I think Edgar still had the thought in his head of killing Barry because of what Art told him to do with the knife. Barry completely ruins Edgar's life at the Madsens and I think Edgar is tired of ruin following him wherever he goes, which Barry is responsible for. I dont think its completely uncharacteristic because of the struggle Edgar has between good and evil, this time evil triumphed but it seemed like the only way out.

ethan mcraney said...

it wasnt that it was hard to believe, i felt that what Edgar did was good, but i would have like to have seen a little more action, like a knife fight or even just a little bit of nun-chunk action there

sophie said...

while i dont think that murdering someone is characteristic of any typical teenager and it is a stretch to see edgar killing someone, i do think that his whole life had been plagued by barry and he knew (as well as the reader) that killing barry was the only way to move on in his life. i do not in anyway agree with the comment that barry was not that bad of a guy. i do think that him saving edgar was heroic and a good deed but one good deed does not save a person from a life of bad deeds. i think that the whole book is a paradox to show that life is not black and white but gray. barry is not like the typical bad guy of fairy tales like Scar or Ursulla, he is a representation closer to a real life villan, for even the evil people of life occasionally do good deeds. think of hitler, it was rumored that he saved a jewish woman from being killed, yet he is most certainly an evil person.

Unknown said...

the irony in this scene is that in order to get away from barry, edgar actually has to get close to barry, Edgar wants to leave the Madsens to probably save their marriage from Barry's evil, once with barry edgar realizes that "it would be so easy" and then he kills him, but you can also make an arguement that Edgar sacrifices himself for the sake of Clay and Lana's marriage

Trevinator said...

Edgar is a likely candidate for killing Barry. He lived a tough life and has fought death himself many times. He has been toughened by his past. Killing Barry was necessary for Edgar as well.

Anonymous said...

I think that Edgar had been pushed a lot in his life and someone can only be pushed so far before they snap. Edgar had already proven to be a violent boy when people pushed him and that is exactly what Barry did when he said he would not leave Lana alone. I think that Edgar reacted the same way he usually did when someone wouldn't leave him alone. It wasn't that out of the ordinary.