Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Monday, April 21, 2008


1. has anyone kept up with all of the cars Barry has..gee whilickers many

2. what would you do in Edgar's situation with Barry and Lana. He is trying to become closer to the family that is willing to adopt. But he has caught Barry pinkley, a man that loves him in his own way and will never leave him alone and his temporary mother, Lana with him kissing and being with him. What would you do in his situation rat them out and ruin the false marriage that the madsens have and risk your place in the household/adoption or live with the guilt and confusion of keeping Barry on his feet and Lana cheating on Clay.


Laurie said...

If I were in Edgar's situation, I would approach Barry to let him know that I know what's going on. When Barry cried after Edgar told him to stay away from Lana, I would not have backed down. I would also tell Lana that I know what's going on. I'd ask her to end things with Barry immediately. I would urge Lana to confess to her cheating on her own.

doug h said...

I know Kevin haha. its hard to keep up with all of the those cars. I thinks its partly due to the industry Barry's involved in- the car that sticks out the most to me is his sports car with the lightning bolt down the side.

michelleb said...

i think its interesting how his cars are always different colors. personally I don't like colored cars i only like black white and maybe silver so i think its funny he has blue and pink cars with lightening bolts on the sides.