Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Good or Bad?

Do you think that Edgar wants to be wanted so bad that he would be willing to be friends with the wrong group at his new school?


Sara W said...

I don't think Edgar would do that. I think he is too shy to become friends with the "bad" kids. I think he will hide and be quiet as long as he can.

Wade said...

i think that sara is right and that he owuld be to shy but i think that eventually if he made friends with someone that turned out to be bad he would do bad stuff with them

Jessica Deckard said...

If I were treated like Edgar is when he first gets to Willie T., I would make any friends I could to get out of being beaten all the time. If the bad kids accepted me, I'd probably become one of them.

seelige said...

no i dont think edgar is like that orw ould want to do that. as much as he wants to feel wanted at his new school i dont think he would go out of his way to be friends with the wrong group of people.