Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Ms. Deckard suggested that someone start a post about our favorite grafitti. So voila.

I think my favorite is one I saw in London. On the window of a building by the London Eye (the giant ferris wheel) someone spray-painting the words "spastic cabbage." I don't know if it was a band name or what. It made me laugh.

Post your favorites here


Thomas Meric said...

i was in a subway station in chicago and someone had spray painted stairs on the wall and the floor. it was really funny

Anonymous said...

this isnt a particular peice of graffiti but this guy stuff is really cool. its all stencils..

Sara W said...

there's an abandoned house that you can see from the interstate that has HUGE pink letters that say "LIVE IN LOVE". I think it's cute.

Wade said...

i once saw a graffiti war in a bathroom it was pretty funny it was these 2 guys just going at each other

Kmorel said...

mine isnt a certain thing i read but at port-a-call i always like reading the graffiti and finding old thing i wrote on the brings back funny memories

Jessica Deckard said...

Here's a site where you can make your own graffiti:

Jessica Deckard said...

I found this on-line, I have to admit it's not mine:

Sign above urinal:
Please do not throw cigarette butts in the urinal.
Scrawled underneath:
It makes them soggy and hard to light.

Laurie said...

I found this one today. It's interesting.

It says "Go to work, send your kids to school follow fashion, act normal walk on the pavements, watch T.V. save for your old age, obey the law. Repeat after me: I am free"